Vorwort der Präsident*innen

Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,

Almost every week, clinical pathologists are confronted in tumour boards with new therapies, especially therapeutic antibodies, constantly changing immune scores and regression grade systems after neoadjuvant tumour therapies and subsequent resection.

In addition to the benefits, however, we are increasingly seeing morphologically visible (side) effects to these therapies in the gastrointestinal tract, in skin biopsies, in liver biopsies etc. etc., which are not always easy to interpret and confront the diagnostician with many differential diagnostic challenges. The main topic of our joint autumn conference, will therefore be an detailed examination of iatrogenic changes in Pathology, which numerous experts in this field invited. On Friday and Saturday, we will then take a critical look together at whether digital pathology and „artificial“ intelligence can help us in daily routine and what prerequisites are required to be able to apply this promising methodology.

Furthermore there will also be meetings of the Swiss (and Austrian too… that’s new!) Institute Boards to facilitate coordination, particularly on this very issue of upcoming challenges in digital pathology.

Saturday afternoon will then be dedicated to a special, jointly organised slide seminar on the topic of iatrogenic pathology with numerous, challenging cases from almost all organ systems.

A highlight will also be the new form of poster presentation for our young colleagues, which has never been organised in this form in Austria before.
In order to be able to exchange ideas extensively aside from the busy congress schedule, there will be a get together on Thursday evening and a joint congress dinner on Friday in the beautiful alpine atmosphere of Feldkirch/Vorarlberg.

However, it is not only the mind that is taken care of, but also the body, with the traditional „Patho run“ taking place on Saturday morning, with many, many participants.

We would particularly like to thank the main organisers of the event, Prim. Prof. Dr Rupert Langer and Prim. Prof. Dr Felix Offner and our office representatives, Mrs Verena Schachenhofer and Dr. Jae Kyoung Pak.

We are very much looking forward to the joint autumn conference 2024 of SGPath and OGPath/IAP Austria and hope to see you there!

With collegial greetings

Sylvia Höller and Alexander Nader

PD Dr.med. Sylvia Höller

Prim. Dr. Alexander Nader, MSc